PartiQL Kotlin CLI Reference

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The partiql-lang-kotlin project has a CLI which can be installed via Homebrew. If you are looking for the partiql-lang-rust CLI, it can be found in the partiql-lang-rust GitHub repository.


Users can install the partiql-lang-kotlin CLI by following of the following three methods.


To download the CLI, please find the relevant release on the PartiQL Releases page and download and unpack the .zip or .tgz file.


To install via Homebrew, run the following commands:

brew tap partiql/partiql
brew install partiql-cli

More information can be found at our Homebrew tap.

From Source

The following commands will clone the partiql-lang-kotlin repository, build the CLI, and immediately execute the CLI.

git clone
cd partiql-lang-kotlin/partiql-cli


To get usage details, please run:

partiql --help

To exit the CLI:

  • Control+D in macOS or Unix

  • Control+C on Windows

Further Reading

If you’d like to dive deep into what you can do with the partiql-lang-kotlin CLI, feel free to see our Getting Started Guide.